Thursday, May 1, 2014

Gardening update

Just came back from Lowe's, Atwoods & other local gardening stores. The past few years I have failed miserably in my gardening ideals. My goal has been rather lofty - to add a whole bunch of varieties of fruit, nut, flowering and shady trees to my land! I have started the season of planting today!

Look at the $ 1000 worth of money that I blew off today on my Discover card! These kutti trees are ready to be planted by me in the next few days. I had bought a 2-stroke engine post hole auger few years ago and now that is out of the garage, fed with fuel mixed with lubricant oil, ready for Spring use! I dug a bunch of holes and planted the first tree today. The lucky one to get out of the pot and go into the ground was a peach tree!

Everybody wants trees that bring some usefulness to them! Who the heck would willfully want trees like the Cottonwoods, that are like Nature's step-child? It is like buying Windows phone in this day and age of iPhones and Androids! Cottonwoods are not tasteful like fruity trees, like Rumaani, Malgovaa, or Banganapalli mangoes! They are not strong like the teak, like Bheema in his prime form! They don't have any wonderful fragrance like sandalwood! And they don't have any Ramba-Oorvashi-Thilottama type of curves and colors related ornamental comeliness! But they sure appear like a philosophical bunch! As though they have heard the saying that pulchritude possesses solely cutaneous profundity, they have chosen to be just mundane, unattractive, yet, unbothered, hanging out in my backyard!

And now, I wish to alter this scenario! Oaks, Weeping Willows, Cherries, Japanese Maple, Magnolias, Crape Myrtle, Pinkwoods, Dogwoods would be nice in my land. And add some assorted mixture of apples, peaches, plums, grapes, pears, figs, and pecans and any other nuts that will grow here! Look how beautifully these saplings are standing next to each other, unmindful of the fact that their root system has been so carelessly victimised and crumpled by the enslaving humans! Their previous owner, like any other commercial enterprise, gave them a measly little 5 gallon pots! Just like all of us, these little ones would want to enjoy unbridled freedom, wouldn't they? How sad! Now they are hopeful that their new owner will extricate their roots, and plant them in the ground soon! Currently they look like little murthy's - that have the capacity to attain big Vaamana avatar type of keerthis in the next few years.

Once out of the pot and planted, they would avidly go searching the depths of the earth for water, establishing their giant kingdown downstairs! They do a lot of good for you upstairs as well! They would clean the air for you for free - unmindful of your halitosis, suck your digestive gaseous waste carbon dioxide as though God put them on the earth just to do that job! The all purified fantabulous praana vayu in exchange for your farty vayu, man, that sure is a good deal!

In any country, while the upper echelons of society might choose not to have any kids or just a kid or two, the lower slum-dwelling strata are commonly noted to generate a wealth of impoverished babies without any Nirodha! For ages in my land, the lackluster Cottonwood backyardigans have behaved like the uneducated indigent population. Their branches are weak, glaringly incapable of surviving snow & ice storms, can't handle the weight of frosted ice, causing branches to fall off! However they sure had learnt how to pollinate, and propagate their genetics!

And here I am, having taken the first small step today, towards altering the panorama of my ecosystem! I am a eager student of life! I will wait patiently to see these fruity, nutty, flowery landscape come alive in front of me in the next decade!

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